My Basement Is Cold!

Do you have a beautifully finished basement you love but find it’s often too cold to spend time in? You are not alone. In almost all houses, the basement is around 10 degrees cooler than the first floor. This is a result of hot air rising and cold air falling. As the basement is below ground, it is the best-insulated floor in your house. So, if your basement is always cold, it’s because the cold air is being trapped.

Luckily, our team at Columbus Worthington Air understands this common problem and knows how to correct it with simple adjustments. With a minimal change to your system, we can add to or greatly increase the return air from your basement. By adding a return air ventilation system to your basement, we make sure your cool air is evenly distributed throughout the house. This will result in more evenly regulated temperatures on all floors. The addition of return air to basements also helps HVAC systems work more effectively and efficiently. After installation, you will enjoy the comfort of your basement while also saving on energy costs.

Our team provides expert heating and cooling services to ensure that you can solve your cold basement problem. For an HVAC service or repair, call 614-405-7819 today!

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All appointments will be confirmed by phone. Same day appointments not accepted via internet but you can request a service online. For emergency service please call 614-405-7819.

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